
 ERPAG Change log 05/02/2020

These are the newest February updates:

1. The 30 minute limit for Xero no longer exist! You can be logged in for as long as you want;

2. We enabled attachments through the customer portal

customer portal attachments

3. Work operations can now be measured in seconds:

work operations seconds

4. Multiply option in BOM setup: if you chose 'none' the work operation, component, sub component won't be multiplied by the number of finished products you want to produce. This option is often used when the cost for the machine setup is the same, regardless of the quantity that will be produced:

bom multiply

5. Snippet for duplicated products in product and services list;

6. Mapping custom fields with QuickBooks Online:

mapping fields

7. You can now place the orders through the POS (Point of Sales) without a payment;

8. You can now create a Blockly script for Quotations as well:

blockly quotes


ERPAG Development team
