
Customer Portal email Notification

Changelog:  2018-12-19

The Customer Portal is a great feature that gives the ability to our customers to create sales orders.

Customer portal

Up until now, we didn’t have any kind of notification to inform us when our customer has posted a sales order (especially when we aren’t logged into ERPAG).

The solution is an email notification.

The first step is to add mail account in ERPAG (go to Administration > Mail Accounts).

Customer portal

Note: Our suggestion is to use a new account (e.g. [email protected]), instead of using company official.

If you are using Google mail, you must also enable less secure apps in the settings.

The second step is to enter an email address (or addresses) and select the mail account for the portal user.

customer portal

Note: The “notification – mail to” field can be a comma-separated list of email addresses.

And this is it. When a portal user adds new sales order through the customer portal, the sales order will be sent to email recipients.

Customer portal email notification setup

ERPAG development team
