
Hide purchase price and manage shelf visibility
Changelog 2019-02-12

Many clients want to hide the purchase price from the shop floor management. And also, many clients don't want all employees to have an insight to all stock.

That's why we introduced 2 new features in the user authorization module (under Administration menu):

  • Show/Hide purchase price;
  • Show/Hide certain shelves.
user authorization

The role of the user must be 'operator' in order to have the above-pictured settings. 

For this user, we hid the purchase price, which means that he will have the ability to open the purchase order, but he won't have a column that shows the purchase price.

user authorization

And we also hid 2 shelves: Default and Raws, and only left DVS shelf to be visible to him. Here is how our products are distributed on the shelves:

user authorization

Once our operator logs in, he will only see the products that are highlighted.

user authorization

While creating a sales order, the operator only sees the limited stock:

user authorization

This limitation applies to generating purchase orders and work orders as well.

