
Export to Google sheet
Changelog 2019-03-19

export table to xls

Exporting all tables from ERPAG is now updated. Until now, all tables could have been exported/downloaded in xls (MS Excel) format. Now, ERPAG, proposes a friendly caption, which you can always change to your liking.

export to google sheet
Except for the basic download of an XLS file, we introduced a 'single action click' with which you export a table, download it to Google drive and open it in a Google sheet application.

google sheet table

Note: You have to enable erpag.com to open the 'pop-up' windows, because Google Services are opened in new 'tabs' in your browser.

XLS file will be downloaded on your Google Drive, in folder "ERPAG".

google drive

2019. ERPAG Inc.
