
Changelog 2019-03-27

Another highly-requested option is implemented - barcodes on shelves.

To learn more about shelves, please follow this link:

To setup a barcode for your shelf, go to inventory > shelves > open a shelf (or create a new one) and enter the barcode

shelf barcode setup

On your mobile application (this is important - we are talking about the mobile app, not opening and logging into ERPAG from the browser), tap on the 'shelves' (under products) and scan in the barcode.

Once you scan the barcode, the items that belong to that shelf, and that you currently have in stock will show up:

scanned shelf barcode

As you can see from the screenshot below, 'part a' and 'item ab' belong to the 'default shelf'. 'Part b' belongs to the 'Sh2' (shelf 2). But, we only have 'part a' in stock, therefore only that item appears on our mobile device when we scan the shelf barcode.

