

Disassemble KIT

Sometimes it happens that we can't pack and ship the entire KIT (or assembly, as someone calls it).
We don't have a part or two in stock but we need to ship what we have.
In case of such situations, we created a new option in ERPAG - the ability to disassemble a KIT.

disassemble kit in sales order

disassemble kit in sales order

disassemble kit in sales order

Note: When a kit is disassembled, the selling price must be distributed from the KIT item onto the components. In this case, the selling price is distributed in relation to the estimated cost of the item. If some of the items have no estimated cost, then the price 0 is set for it and 100% rebate (due to logic control). If no item has estimated cost (which may be the case, as it is not specified in the item settings) then the selling price is distributed by quantity.

The tax rate is taken again for each item, regardless of what rate was on the item.

Therefore, because of rounding up numerical data, it may happen that the values are slightly different before and after the disassembly of the KIT.
ERPAG Development team
