

Invoicing before packing

You can finally Invoice the Sales order before you pack the document. You can Invoice the Sales Orders that have the status "Entered" without quantity, with partial quantity, and with available quantity. After invoicing, the status "Entered" will switch to "Invoiced".

invoiced sales orders

We have to make two important notes here:

1. In case of the partial quantity, you need to pack and split the sales order first, before invoicing. If you invoice the document before splitting, you won't be able to split it since you won't have the 'split' option.

invoiced sales order with partial quantity

2. You can only synchronize packed and invoiced Sales Orders with Quickbooks and Xero. The synchronization won't be possible if a sales order is just packed or just invoiced.

So, keep those two in mind!

ERPAG development team
