
ERPAG Change Log 10/03/2019.

Expand branches in manufacturing project and zoom option

We are all aware of the struggle our clients have when entering a manufacturing project for multi-level BOM manually. Up until now, you had to click to each plus button on a work order in order to expand the lower levels:

multi level BOM

But now, you have "Expand all" button on the right-hand menu:

multi-level BOM expand all

By clicking on this option, the system will ask you whether you want to expand only the lower levels or (single-level) or all levels (multi-level):

expand all bill of materials

Since we have more than one level of this BOM, we expanded the multi-level. ERPAG gave us all levels (work orders) we have for this product:

multi level bom expanded

Also, now when you zoom in on a specific work order and open it, the system remembers your position and it does not zoom out when you exit the WO.

ERPAG Development
