
ERPAG Change log 03/23/2020.

Here is the list of the newest changes:

  • Email - user authorization - enables the Admin to set up the email restriction on the User (operator level)
email restriction

  • Shopify - Shipped status - When a SO is packed and shipped through Shopify, the status Shipped will come over to ERPAG when synced (if you have enough quantity in ERPAG to fulfill the order). As ERPAG will create 'packed' and 'shipped' statuses automatically. 
Shipped status from Shopify
  • Bulk edit and import minimum order quantity and order step quantity:
bulk edit
  • Priority - on the document level:
document priority
  • Print blanket Purchase Order:
print blanket PO
  • PAID watermark:
paid watermark

paid invoice watermark

  • New STRIPE is now supported;
  • Splitting Lot numbers in stock adjustments and stock takings;
  • Turning serial/lot number tracking on/off is now forbidden if you have quantity on hand;
  • Email statuses for Sales Orders and Invoices in the SO list:
email status sales order

ERPAG Development team
