
ERPAG Changelog 05/26/2020

1. The snippets

We included an option that will enable each operator to create his own snippets.


The procedure is quite easy. Set up the filters as it’s suitable for you, and in the snippet setup activate the „Save current filters“ option.

More information about snippets:

2. Fx Price tiers

fx price tiers

We added a new option – now, you can add an fx price to a price tier. In case of an exchange rate change, the price won’t be changed towards fx customers!

fx price

fx price

Note: If the currency of a customer is different than the currency of a particular price tier, the system will automatically recalculate according to the customer’s currency, and based on the exchange rate entered into the system.

3. Custom fields - new types

custom fields

Our users have a need for specific additional data on their documents. In this specific case, the user has the need to have the customer’s name in the very work order (because of his manufacturing process). Until now we had a ’free text’ option, but the chance of misspelling the text is quite high. That’s why we opted for searching the current data.

New custom field data is now available (these are the general ERPAG entities):

Work operation

Note: ERPAG’s database is not organized as a document system. For example, if you change the customers’ name, it won’t retroactively apply in already existing documents. The previously entered documents will keep the data entry as they were at the moment of their creation. The same rule applies to custom fields.

4. Custom field - Copy from field

Just like we noted in the previous paragraph, since ERPAG is not a document system, we enabled that in some documents custom fields are filled with linked data.

custom field

For example, if we need to remember our Supplier’s City in the Purchase Order.

5. Routing type of item

Work operations could only be added individually to a BOM based product. It often happens that the same „set“ of work operations is repeated in more than one item. Until now, there was a „workaround“ with „phantom“ BOM, which grouped work operations.

For simplicity, we included a new item type – „Routing“.

routing item

It consists of work operations.

routing item

And it can be only used in BOM based items.

Note: Currently we don’t support multi-level routing.

6. Base ticketing system


The ticketing system (trouble/support ticketing system) in ERPAG, with its functionality, can’t be compared with highly specialized systems. But, we decided to enable our users with a simple way of tracking problems with their clients.


In concept, it’s divided into two parts, the problem, and the solution. This is the first version we published. We expect more changes and updates, and the detailed instructions will be posted on our blog.

What’s specific for our solution, is that it’s completely integrated with the customer portal. Your portal users have direct communication with you.

support ticket

They can raise and „post“ the ticket, and follow it’s status on their own.

We enabled you to create a template and customized solution emailing through Blockly Script.

note ticket

blockly script

Note: More information and detailed description will soon be published on our blog.

2020. ERPAG Inc
